28 November 2019



Wel, dyna ni, cafwyd y dangosiad cyntaf o bennod 6 o gyfres diweddara y 'Crown' yn y Galeri, Caernarfon ar nos Lun y 25ain o Dachwedd. Gwyddom i gyd erbyn hyn mae pennod ar Arwisgiad Charles Windsor yn "Dywysog Cymru" yn 1969 yw pennod 6 o'r gyfres a gwyddom mai Bafta Cymru oedd yn cynnal y 'premiere' yn y Galeri a bod yr actorion 'Cymraeg', a gymrodd ran yn y bennod, i gyd yno i gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn 'holi ac ateb' wedi'r dangosiad. Ymddengys, yn ogystal, fod yna bresenoldeb cryf o'r 'crachach' yn y noson, pob un wedi dod yna i 'lyfu tin' ac i 'glaforio' yn eu brwdfrydedd ar gyfer yr Arwisgiad nesaf. Roedd Dafydd Iwan, y bradwr mawr diweddara a ffrind newydd mynwesol Charles Windsor yno wrth gwrs, ac yn rwbio'i ddwylo wrth feddwl am yr arian mawr oedd yn mynd i ddisgyn, am flynyddoedd i ddod, i'w gyfrif banc, gan fod ei gân, Carlo, yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn y bennod - ac roedd yn ddigon hy i sylwadu ar y cyfryngau, wedi'r ymddangosiad,fod y bennod yn un da! Ia, da er budd pwy Dafydd? Yn fy nhyb i, tydi WYLIT, WYLIT LYWELYN ddim yn ddigon cryf ei neges i ddisgrifio bradwriaeth cywilyddus y dyn yma sydd wedi bradych geiriau ei ganeuon ei hunan, sawl un yn disgrifio dienyddio Llywelyn ac yna ei frawd Dafydd er mwyn dinistrio Ty brenhinol Gwynedd am byth, a peidier i ni byth anghofio iddo gyfansoddi cân i Ferthyron Abergele, y ddau wladgarwr clodwiw a gollodd eu bywydau tra’n brwydro yn erbyn Arwisgiad 1969! 

Mae'n amlwg bod Dafydd Iwan bellach wedi dewis i gynorthwyo'r drefn Prydeinig i geiso a sicrhau na fydd gwrthwynebiad i'r arwisgiad nesaf - ac mae'n gallu lluchio llwch i lygaid y Cymry Cymraeg am iddynt ei ystyried fel y 'Gwrw iaith'. Caiff gyfarfod â Charles Windsor yn ei dŷ Hâf yn Myddfai heb i neb ddweud bw na ba! Caiff sefyll o flaen 8,000 o Gymry ar y sgwar yng Nghaernarfon i ddatgan ei gariad tuag at y castell 'na sy'n llifo a gwaed Cymreig heb i neb o'r 8,000 ddweud 'bw na ba'! yn hytrach, cafodd ei gymeradwyo gan y dorf! WYLIT WYLIT Llywelyn yn wir! 

A beth am 'wladgarwyr' Cymreig heddiw? ddaru gwladgarwyr Gwynedd bicedu mewn protest tybed? NADDO yw'r ateb Dim 'smic', na ba na bw' oddi wrth yr holl wladgarwyr hynny o Wynedd sy'n gosod delwedd o ddwrn gyda'r alwad 'FE GODWN NI ETO' byth a beunydd ar y 'facebook' 'ma! a dim 'smic' na 'bw na ba' oddi wrth y miloedd sydd wedi bod yn gorymdeithio am ANNIBYNIAETH! Wel, gellir anghofio am annibyniaeth os na ellir dangos i Lywodraeth Lloegr a'r 'Crachach Cymreig' na fyddwn yn caniatau i Arwisgiad arall gymryd lle heb ymladd yn ei erbyn. Does dim angen bod yn Einstein i synhwyro bod pwrpas gwleidyddol sinicaidd du ôl i roi pwyslais ar y 'Gymraeg' yn y bennod dan sylw,, a'r pwrpas hynny oedd i ennill cefnogaeth, yn hytrach na gwrthwynebiad, y Cymry Cymraeg eu hiaith i'r arwisgiad nesaf.

Ond, dylid edrych du hwnt i chwant a barusrwydd y Crachach Cymraeg, gallaf ddarogan yma yn gwbl hyderus, os canieteir i arwisgiad arall gymryd lle, gellir ddweud 'ta-ta' i Annibyniaeth ac 'helo' i ddiffoddiant Cymru fel cenedl ac, i'r iaith Gymraeg fel iaith byw.


Well, there we are, the premiere of episode 6 of the latest series of The Crown was shown at the Galeri in Caernarfon on Monday night. We all know by now that this episode is concentrated on the 1969 Investiture of Charles Windsor as "Prince of Wales" and we are all aware than the 'premiere' at the Galeri was organised by Bafta Cymru and that the Cymraeg speaking actors that had parts in the episode were also present to participate in a 'question and answer' session following the premiere. It has since become obvious that there was, also, a strong presence of "Crachach Cymreig" in attendance, each having taking advantage of the opportunity to "arse lick" and salivate in anticipation of how they could personally benefit in some way come the next investiture. Amongst these, was Dafydd Iwan, Cymru's latest arch traitor and Charles Windsor's newest best friend, who was there, rubbing his hands in anticipation as he thought about all the money that was going to flow into his bank account, for years, as a result of his agreeing for his song 'Carlo' to be used for the production and, he had the audacity to report on camera to the media following his viewing of the episode, and whilst still rubbing his hands, that the episode was a good one! Yes, good for who Dafydd? WYLIT, WYLIT Lywelyn does not come anywhere near describing betrayal as far as this traitor is concerned; not only has he betrayed his own songs, a number of them about the brutal execution of Llywelyn and the barbaric execution of Dafydd and the deliberate destruction of the Gwynedd Royal Dynasty - as well as one song on the tragic deaths of the Abergele Martyrs who lost their lives for Cymru whilst fighting against the Investiture', he has allowed himself to be used to discourage protests and action against the next investiture for his own greedy and selfish ends!

But, did the Cymric patriots protest or picket the 'premiere' inquestion? An astounding No! is the reply to that question. Not a ‘murmur’ or a ‘whimper’ in protest from those placing a clenched fist along with the 'FE GODWN NI ETO - WE WILL RISE AGAIN usual cry we see in posts on this f.b on a daily basis and no 'murmur' or 'whimper' in protest from the thousands that have been marching for INDEPENDENCE in Cymru during the last year!

Well, I am confident to place my prediction that we can totally forget any hope of Independence if we cannot show the Westminster government, their royalty and the Crachach Cymreig collaborators that we will NOT tolerate another Investiture lying down. It does not take an Einstein to work out that there was a very cynical political reasoning behind the decision to give the Cymric language priority status in this production; it was done in order to win the support, rather than the opposition, of the Cymric speakers to another Investiture but, if Cymru and, the Cymric language is to have any hope of survival in this global age, we must look beyond the ambitions and greed of the Crachach Cymreig for, if we allow another Investiture of another English royal to take place in Caernarfon, we can say 'goodbye' to Cymric Independence and 'hello' to the end of Cymru as a nation and to the Cymric language as a living language.



