14 July 2020



Bythefnos yn ôl, gosodwyd deiseb ar Change.Com yn galw am gefnogaeth i gael gwared â cherflun Edwart VIII oddi ar dir yr Hen Goleg yn Aberystwyth. Ymddengys, ar y wyneb, mai dim ond 49 o wladgarwyr oedd wedi llofnodi’r ddeiseb ond, gwyddys nad yw hynny’n gywir gan fod nifer o wladgarwyr wedi cysylltu â fi’n uniongyrchol i gadarnhau iddyn nhw lofnodi ond, TYDI’R ENWAU YMA DDIM WEDI YMDDANGOS AR Y RHESTR O ENWAU AR Y DDEISEB! Ymddengys felly, fod yna ‘gemau brwnt’ ar weill yn rhwystro enwau rhag cael eu nodi a’u cynnwys ar y ddeiseb! Mae’r union ‘tactegau brwnt yma’ wedi bod ar weill parthed ein blociau a ffilmiau YouTube ers i ni gychwyn eu cynhyrchu blynyddoedd yn ôl. Does dim modd i ni brofi hyn wrth gwrs ond, mae’n amlwg nad yw’r ‘pwerau sy’n bod’ am i ni ‘ledaenu’r efengyl’ - rhy beryglus i’r drefn, ac mae ganddyn ‘nhw’ rheolaeth lawn dros y ‘cyfryngau cymdeithasol wrth gwrs.  Ond, ‘mae mwy nac un ffordd o gael Wil i’w wely yn does, ac un o’r ffyrdd hynny yw i ‘fynd i lygad y ffynnon’ ac i’r diben hynny, rwyf wedi gyrru’r llythyr isod (yn Gymraeg a Saesneg) i Is- Ganghellor, Prifysgol Aberystwyth, yn gofyn, yn gwrtais, i’r Brifysgol gael gwared ar y cerflun oddi ar dir yr Hen Goleg am resymau ddigon eglur.

Gofynnir rŵan i bawb ohonoch sy’n cytuno y dylid cael gwared ar y gofeb, yn cynnwys y sawl oedd wedi  llofnodi’r ddeiseb, i yrru un ai copi o’r llythyr isod neu un o’ch cyfansoddiad eich hunan, i’r Prifathro, Elizabeth Treasure, Is-Ganghellor y Brifysgol i gefnogi’r achos a chadarnhau i ni fod o ddifrif am weld y gofeb dan sylw yn cael ei ddiarddel oddi ar dir yr Hen Goleg.

Dylid gyrru eich llythyrau i: Prifathro Elizabeth Treasure, Swyddfa’r Is-Ganghellor, Coleg y Brifysgol, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion. E-bost. vice-chancellor@aber.ac.uk    

A petition was placed on Change.com calling for support for the removal of the Edward VIII statue from the grounds of the Old College, Aberystwyth. It appears 'at face value' that only 49 people had signed that petition by the weekend but, we know that is not the case at all as many supporters eager to get rid of this 'disgusting obscenity from Cymru have contacted me personally to confirm that they have signed but their names are not listed!  It seems that there are "dirty tactics" afoot to stop names being added to the petition! We have had the same problem with our blogs and YouTube films over the years but have had no means of proofing it but, obviously, there are' forces' that do not want us to rock the boat and they are in total control of social media platforms.  As an alternative 'means to an end', we have now sent a letter to Prof Elisabeth Treasure, the Vice Chancellor of Aberystwyth University on behalf of the Cymric History Matters Campaign  requesting that the statue be removed from the grounds of the Old College with an explanation as to why it should be removed. Please see two versions of the letter, in Cymraeg and English, below.
I have kept a list of the names that did appear on the petition and I will now ask one and all to send a copy of the letter below, in Cymraeg or English - or both if you should so wish, to the Vice Chancellor so that it can be seen that we are very serious about seeing this statue removed. The address letters should be sent to is: Professor Elizabeth Treasure, Vice Chancellor's Office, Aberystwyth University College,  Aberystwyth. Email is: : vice-chancellor@aber.ac.uk
                          Ymgyrch Mae Hanes Cymru'n Cyfrif
Annwyl Prifathro,
Fel man cychwyn, gobeithiaf i mi fod yn cyfathrebu gyda'r person cywir ac os nad ydwyf, yn gobeithio caf faddeuant ac y byddwch yn barod i gynorthwyo drwy basio'r ohebiaeth yma'n flaen i'r adran a pherson cywir.
Mae Ymgyrch Hanes Cymru'n Cyfrif yn cysylltu gyda Swyddfa'r Is-Ganghellor i roi gwybod am y teimladau cryf o gasineb sydd gan wladgarwyr Cymru tuag at y cerflun o Edwart VIII sydd wedi sefyll ar dir yr Hen Goleg ers 1927. Mae’n siŵr i chi fod yn ymwybodol bod sawl ymosodiad wedi bod ar y cerflun dan sylw dros y blynyddoedd a nawr, gyda deffroad a chydnabyddiaeth o'r newydd o hanes trefedigaethol Prydain ledled y byd yn cael ei sbarduno yn dilyn y modd milain a chyhoeddus bu i George Floyd gael ei ladd yn Minneapolis, Minnisota, mae protestwyr yn mhobman yn ymgyrchu i gael gwared ar symbolau o goloneiddio fel enwau strydoedd, placiau a chofebion.
Mae Cymru hefyd, wrth gwrs, yn un o drefedigaethau Prydain ac mae 'na symbolau i'n hatgoffa'n ddyddiol o hynny ar hyd a lled ein cenedl fach. Felly, yn yr oes gwawriol sydd ohoni lle mae'r Cymry am fynegi hyder o'r newydd yn eu cenedl drwy orymdeithio, unwaith eto, ar hyd y ffordd i Annibyniaeth, rydym ninnau hefyd am waredu ein tir o'r symbolau/ atgofion yma o'n sefyllfa drefedigaethol ac am gychwyn yn syth ar y gwaith drwy gael gwared â cherflun Edwart VIII oddi ar dir yr Hen Goleg, a hynny am y rhesymau canlynol.
Wedi i'r Edwart yma ildio coron Lloegr, adnabyddid ef fel y Dug Windsor, merchetwr o fri a chefnogwr a chydweithredwr brwd a'r Natsïaid. Rhoddwyd y swyddogaeth iddo o fod yn Lywodraethwr ar y Bahamas, yn ddigon pell o Brydain, ac yno, datblygodd i fod yn Lywodraethwr llygredig iawn; dim y math o bersonoliaeth sy'n addas fel 'rol-model' i fyfyrwyr nac i neb arall.  Felly, mae Ymgyrch Hanes Cymru'n Cyfrif yn galw ar Coleg Prifysgol Cymru i gael gwared â'r cerflun dan sylw oddi ar dir yr Hen Goleg gan iddo fod yn symbol trefedigaethol annymunol, iselwaeliedig.
Mae Ymgyrch Hanes Cymru'n Cyfrif yn deall y bydd yna reidrwydd i drafod y cais uchod mewn cyfarfod o bwyllgor sydd â chyfrifoldeb dros faterion o'r math ac yn hapus i ganiatáu amser rhesymol ar gyfer y broses hynny cyn penderfynu ar y cam nesaf ond, byddem yn ddiolchgar o ymateb buan gyda'r wybodaeth parthed y dyddiad y bydd y cais yn cael ei drafod.
Diolch blaen llaw am eich cydweithrediad â'r mater.
Yn gywir
Siân Ifan
Ar ran Ymgyrch Hanes Cymru'n Cyfrif

Dear Professor Treasure,
In the first instance, I do hope I am corresponding with the appropriate person, and hope that you will forgive me if I'm not and will pass this correspondence on to the correct quarters.
The Cymric History Matters Campaign movement has instructed me to approach the Vice Chancellor's Office  at Aberystwyth University to convey the strong feelings felt and expressed by Cymric patriots throughout Cymru in regards to the 'hated' Edward VIII statue that has stood in the grounds of the Old College since it was erected in 1923.
 As you must be aware, attacks on the aforementioned statue has, already,  been carried out in the past and now,  recent protests in, both, America and Britain, following on the brutal and public killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota,  has bought with it a new global awakening and recognition in regards to Britain's colonial past, prompting angry protesters to turn their attention to symbols of colonialism such as statues and plaques.
Cymru, of course, is also a colony of Britain and we, also, have numerous symbols of our colonialism in the form of street names, plaques and statues, put in place or erected to commemorate and to glorify our colonizers so, in this age of awakening when the Cymry are displaying a new confidence in our nationhood by, once more, marching on the road to our Independence,  we feel that we, also, should be turning our attention to the removal of these every day reminders of our colonialism and that we should immediately commence on the removal program with the removal of the aforementioned Edward VIII statue from the grounds of the Old College for the following reasons.
Edward VIII, who abdicated the English throne, then to assume the title of the Duke of Windsor, was a renowned racist, Nazi sympathizer and collaborator and a womanizer who, following his abdication, became the corrupt Governor of the Bahamas. He is certainly not a role model for students or any other person to look up to, therefore, on behalf of The Cymric History Matters Campaign movement I am  now officially calling upon Aberystwyth UCW to arrange for the immediate removal of the aforementioned statue from the Old College site on the grounds that he is a disparaging symbol of British colonialism in Cymru.
We The Cymric History Matters Campaign realize that there will be a need for the above to be discussed by the relevant committee in charge of such matters and we are happy  to allow a reasonable period of time for this process but, I would appreciate a response to this correspondence, informing us as to how long it is likely to take  before the matter in question is discussed by the relevant committee.
Thanking you in anticipation of your cooperation on the issue.