For Starters Down Load This Card and Post it to all and everyone in your Community and Nationally, particularly People in Power or with Influence as well as to Freinds and Neighbours et al. See other Cards in previous posts to use in ssme way.
Wear The Ivy.
Wear a 1282 Ribbon.
Produce Ivy Gummed Labels
Use Where Ever
Produce Below As a Car Sticker.
Make Ivy Posies With Cofiwch 1282 Cards.
Hang Around The Community - In Useful Promotional Places.
I Did So One Year Outside The Assembly.
Make Ivy Wooden Crosses and Place Near Anglo - Norman Castles Through Out The Land.
Wear An Ivy Leaf In Your Hat
Other Wise If As Below 'The Druid Look' - Best Left To Rali Cilmeri
Get An Ivy Tattoo Just Like Me or on the Forehead - People will really notice that (joke).
Just In Case Your Not Sure What An Ivy Leaf Looks Like.