26 October 2010

A COFIWN GOCH FOR WELSH SOCIALIST HISTORY CONSCIOUSNESS COMMEMORATIONS & CAMPAIGNS. A Past History to Motivate Present Times Struggle Against Imperialist Exploitation and Expropriation of Welsh Land and National Resources By Means Of Cheque Book Conquest and Colonialism..

Will Be Found In These Blogs:

RED REMEMBRANCER. A Welsh Radical PLatform: containing information on history of peoples popular and radical political struggles in Wales, ...
redremembrancer.blogspot.com/ - Cached - Similar

26 Oct 2010 ... ADFYWIAD GOCH CYMRU. Red Resurgence Cymru advocates and promotes Socialist Agit - Prop Action: Campaigns and Struggles in Wales in support ...
adfywiadgoch.blogspot.com/ - Cached

HWB HANES CYMRU/WELSH HISTORY HUB. ALL MATTERS WELSH HISTORY INFORMATION and NEWS, a useful centre for the exchange of ideas, views and oppinions on Welsh ...
hwbhanes.blogspot.com/ - Cached
